Saturday, May 28, 2011

see you again my lovely hana banana

alhamdulillah arini umur aku dh 21 tahun 1 bln n beberape hari..bersyukur kepada Allah sebab bagi aku pnjam nyawa ni smpi skrg tp sepanjang 21 tahun aku idup ni blom cukup lg rsenye amalan aku ni*ni apehal serious semacam je ni dh la mcm xdek kait ngn tajuk pn kn*sabar la ade la ni nk kaitkn ni..kalo x sabar sgt sila tingglkn blog ni ye..hahahha*bajet ramai sgt la bce blog ko..hahahah*

okey meh nak citer ape kaitan die...sebenarnye aku tau pasal hana nk blk mesia 2 or 1 hari b4 besday aku..berita die nk blk tu mmg tau lame dh cume x confirm je lagi then bile dh confirm tu die anta la mesg kt aku..mmg terkejut la kn tbe2 dpt mesg ckp die blk mesia for good akhir bulan 5 ni iaitu 3 ari lepas..dh la aku tgh makan kot time tu mmg x lalu makan dh la lepas tu terus benti makan bls mesg die sume la...dpt berita tu mmg sedyh ye la sampai xlalu makan dh lepas serious aku walaupan aku sedyh dpt berita tu tp aku hepy sgt sbb die bgtau aku dulu...taun ni kire last la besday aku celebrate besday ngn my lovely hana..huhu

then die pn buat la farewell party nk break the news yg die nk blk smbg stdy kt m'sia..lepas sume org tau macam surprise la hana dapatnye xkire la dr bdk2 AQ ke,GIGI ke pendek kata sume org sedyh n nk buat surprise la kat hana tp hana blk bukan sorg2 hanan pn ikut die blk nk smbg stdy kt m'sia jgk...hanan die ade masalah kesihatan sket that y la die blk smbg mesia..nk kne sebut ke surpriseyg hana dpt??tnjk gmbr je la bole x??nnt pnjg plk post ni...tgk la nnt kalo rajen lg ade la post cmne kteorg bt surprise party tu..
we had surprise party 4 hana wif AQ mates

sebab malas nk citer pasal surprise segale jom kte pendekkn citer psl mse nk hanta hana n hanan g airport la...flight dieorg dlm kul 130 cmtu la tp check in kul 10 so kterog grk dlm kul 6 pg cmtu la tremco tggu kt istad .tbe2 mcm dh x tau nk tulis ape so korg tgk gmbr je la yer...hahahhaahhah


p/s:nnt bile dh ade idea blk ceq sambung naa...

baking time..wehooooo

masuk arini dh 2o hari tak menulis dlm blog ni lately ni busy sket la macam mnde kne buat kot,sampi 4 hari x study kot tp skrg ddh mula marathon menonton cerita ...opss silap la marathon study exam lg dlm 5 hari tp study xabes lg kot..huaaaaa

banyak lagi nk kne cover ni singgah blog jap sbb ade mmbe sorg ni duk tnye x hapdate dh ke blog ni hapdate khas tuk die terharu ade org stilll follow blog ni walaupn bkn best sgt pn..nak cakapnye busy sangat last 2oday's ago sebab sebuk duk buat suprise tuk hana yg nk balik mesia for good!!nk dgr suprise tu cmne tu next post la ye...hihi

skrg ni nk cter pasal mean baking2 with my hommies..semalam kteorg buat cream puff padahal dkt byk kali gak la duk buat cream puff...sbb mula buat cream puff sorg2 but my hommies marah sebab x ajak dieorg ..dieorg nk blja buat semalam la br ade peluang nk ajar dieorg buat cream puff sebenarnye janji mlm b4 tu tp sebab tdow x bgn lepas anta hana kt airport mmg x bgn trs la bgn solat je...sory korg and thnx sbb sanggup tggu..hihi

sebanarnye nk ajar pn bukan hebat sgt ni pn blja dr mmbe yg amk culinary art kt uitm die la yg ajar buat cream puff ni..hantu cream puff pnye pastu tu yg minx resepi ngn die..serious 1st time kot buat cream puff kt sni risau gak xjadi mule2 sbb lame gile dh x buat..akhirnye percubaan pertama menjadi..sangat2 gembira sbb bole buat cream puff for my dearest hana b4 die blk mesia.*hana nnt blk mesia aku btkn lg tuk ko yer..sorry aritu cream die rse vanilla byk sgt*

enough talking pictures time..wehooo tp xdek la picx every step of making cream puff,excited punye pasal so lupe la nk amk gmbr mse tgh buat tu xpe la next time kalo buat lg ade la gmbr the making of cream puff rse mcm nk buat kek pisang tok my big bro tp lepas exam la kot tgk la cmne..byk sgt mnde nk buatnye..sulaim ajk buat peach cobbler tp rse mcm nk buat shepherd pie yg fifek ajk or pizza yg janji dgn fatin berkurun lamenye..hahahhahahah

jeng2..presenting my not so comel cream puff made in egypt...

disebabkn ade org mintak resepi so letak je la kang kempunan plk die..

for pate choux a.k.a puff

-1 cawan air/susu pn bole
-100g butter( 1stick cmtu la)
-1 cawan tepung
-secubit garam
-3 or 4 biji telur (berkantung pd texture adunan nnt)

castord cream

-1cawan susu
-1 packet whipping cream
-1tbs vanilla
-3 sudu castord powder
-2 sudu gula


1-masukkn air n butter dalam periuk kacau sebati smpi mendidih tp jgn la didih sgt
2-then masaukkn tepung kacau bg sebati( nmpk pekat la) then tutup api sejuk kn kejap (5minit)
3-next masukkn telur one by one sume texture die kuning cntik xcair n x keras sgt
4-masukkn dlm pipping bag or scope gne sudu bentukkn pate choux tu on tray
5-panaskn oven dlm 200'c 1ominit
6-masukkn dlm oven then bakar la dlm 15
7-turunkn suh ke 180 bakar lg selame 10 sbb nk bg garing sket (terserah anda) tggu la smpi masak....

tuk buat castord cream die plk
1-masuk susu n castord cream dlm periuk kaco sebati then br bukak api(xyah besar sgt)
2-kacau sampi die mcm nk jd puding cmtu la then sejukkn
3-other bowl kacau whipping cream ngn susu
4-masukkkn castord mix td dlm whipping creamm
5-masukkn sedikit gula,vanilla n kacau sebati
6-then bole la inject cream tu ke dalam puff korag..
okey selamat mencuba!!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

happy mother's day mama

mama hepy mother day!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Faith in Allah (^0^)

-credit to tumbler-

people check this out..sweet right??

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. S
he was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above).

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive.

And today they are 15 years old.


So remember, when you are going through something, that you’re not alone. You’re within an arm’s length of a sister who will be there to support you. But best and above all, you have a God who loves you no matter what.

Who are you within arm’s length of today? Think of someone who might need your love and encouragement. Stay close to them, because you never know if that moment will save their life.

This is just too sweet :(

awwww.. sweetest thing ever .. awwww

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

test ur this!!

can you read this??it cool right!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

the most annoying night!!!

arini mmg xdek keje langsung plus mmg xstdy langsung dr balik kelas td
tp pagi td before g kls i dah stdy okey but still sket!!
malam ni mmg xdek keje duk ngadap latop je satu buku pn x belek duk belek laptop je ape nk jd ni cik timah oiiii
tau la ko br lepas exam anatomy tp xdek la br sgt dh byk hari okey sila stdy if kamu
nk balik mesia lg bulan 7 ni kalo xstdy x yah nk mimpi la dpt balik hangout ngn member
okey enough membebel korang nk tau x ape keje xberfaedah aku malam ni

duk mengila sorg2 then ajk sulaim tuk mengila sekali!!hahhahahahahahhha
sulaim panggil malam ni malam camwhore TIMAh...hahah comel je
lawak gile xtau nk ckp ape korg tgk je la gmbr ni...
hahahahha..sesi menbelit selindang yg xmungkin pakai g kls..

rase mcm negro pn ade jgk!!hahhahha

ni awek cun mcm arab dh rupenye!!sweetlah kamu

abaikn kasut kt tepi!!

so korang bole nmpk mmg xdek kejekn!!hahaha lawak gile but i have so much fun td
thnx sulaim teman i bercamwhore td tp kalo anith join td lg seronok tp dh tdo la plk kn!!
okey la noktah disini dahulu mahu tdo
chow tika jmpe lg!!


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